About me

Hi I’m Kelsey! I’m a certified Integrative Health Practitioner from Seattle, but currently live in the loving countryside of Asturias in Spain. I struggled many years with cystic acne, period pain, anxiety, depression, and chronic inflammation and GI issues. For a long time I thought it was normal until I realized that it was my body telling me that there was something off and I needed to do something about it. I also didn’t realize that so much of my health had been impacted and influenced by my past with unhealed trauma. My healing journey began when I found Christ in the midst of some of my hardest battles in 2016—healing from my mother passing from cancer, the divorce of my parents, and depression. As I began healing both physically and mentally, it propelled me to serve others and help people get well so I became a certified fitness coach in 2019. Soon after, I decided to become certified as a health and nutrition coach. It wasn’t until early 2021, when I discovered functional medicine and decided to further my education and career by becoming a certified Integrative Health Practitioner. As I started learning about the importance of root cause healing and began lab testing for myself, this led me to realize that there truly is a root cause for every symptom and illness. And by the Grace of God, I have been transformed from the inside out and have been revealed an enormous truth about root cause healing: that the pursuit of healing is fruitless without being rooted in Christ. Fast forward, I now run a virtual Christ-centered holistic wellness practice, leading and empowering women from around the world to take initiative in their health to find healing and optimal living, all while glorifying Christ for the work He’s already done.

If you are here today, I encourage you to listen to what the Lord is speaking to you. If you are in search for symptom relief and healing, seek Christ for peace in your body first. And when you are ready to dive deeper into the roots of your symptoms, I am here to support you. Apply to become a 1:1 client and begin your journey towards anointed healing.



Women’s health is a very fascinating topic and an ever-evolving one. With so much information now being spread across channels and social media, it has become very difficult to discern and understand what it is that our body needs.

My approach with wellness and healing at The Firm Foundation takes on an integrative, root cause perspective that considers all facets of an individual’s life, including their faith, and matches that to real-time, researched data about the body. Bio-individuality and foundational wellness is prioritized given that no body is the same, yet we all require the basic needs of nourishment, movement, and connection. As with Functional Medicine Lab Testing, I am able to provide recommendations that are specific and unique to the individual, as well as confirm my clients’ health story. Other disciplines in health, such as Chinese Medicine and herbalism are also incorporated to help my clients achieve their health goals.


Kelsey has used this full-incorporated, integrative approach to resolve various patient health concerns including: hormonal acne, IBS, Lyme disease, Hypothyroidism, heavy metal toxicity, Copper IUD removal (copper toxicity), bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), Candida, and more.