Get to the Root Cause!

State of the art, Functional Medicine Lab Testing is now available for all clients!

What is Functional Lab Testing?

Functional Lab Tests are aimed at helping you find the root cause imbalances in your body. With Functional Lab Testing, we can finally access real-time data about our bodies to pinpoint those areas of imbalance. Various types of tests can give us data about our GI microbiota, hormone and thyroid health, mitochondrial function, metabolic and detoxification function, vitamin and mineral status, immune responses to food, heavy metals, and so much more.

Functional labs differ from conventional testing or bloodwork because they test for narrower ranges that account for the ‘grey area’, or area of imbalance. Conventional labs have wider ranges to assess whether or not you fit into a diagnosis. As Integrative Health Practitioners, we help you find the imbalances and address them to PREVENT a diagnosis or disease.

Common tests that are available:

igg Food Sensitivity Test

Check to see which foods your body may be sensitive to. Food sensitivities are not root causes, but indicators of deeper GI imbalances like Leaky Gut. If you struggle with immune based symptoms like allergies and skin rashes, or brain fog and difficulty concentrating, this may indicate an issue with poor digestion and detoxification. This is a good introductory test to pair with something like the Organic Acids Test to discover underlying gut dysbiosis.

dried urine test for comprehensive hormones (DUTCH)

This is the most comprehensive hormone panel that will provide invaluable insight into your overall sex and steroid hormones like Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Cortisol, as well as their metabolites. Hormone metabolites are important because they tell us the full story of what’s happening hormonally—you may have 'normal’ levels of Estrogen, but if it’s not properly metabolized, you may still end up with Estrogen Dominant symptoms. Other markers such as your cortisol diurnal pattern, cortisol awakening response, melatonin, DHEA, and other nutritional organic acid metabolites are also tested for deeper insight.

Organic Acids Test (OAT)

Discover whether or not you have gut dysbiosis(bacterial/fungal overgrowth), Candida overgrowth, detoxification issues, metabolic dysfunction, neurotransmitter imbalances, and vitamin deficiencies. Best test for understanding overall gut health and how your gut composition may affect your hormones. This is a urine based test to examine the metabolites or byproducts of the bacteria in your gut.

Thyroid Adrenal Hormone Test (TAH)

Find out what your hormone levels are including Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, and Cortisol. A Thyroid panel, insulin markers, and vitamin D levels are included to give an overall perspective of metabolic and hormone function. This test may also give insight into potential risks of PCOS, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders like Hashimoto's. Beneficial for those experiencing ongoing hormonal imbalances like acne, weight gain, hair loss, and period pain.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test (HTMA)

The HTMA test can provide a deeper understanding of why you may still not be getting well or seeing the results you’d like. Minerals play a vital role in every aspect of your health and any deficiencies or toxicities may pose a challenge for the body to function properly. You'll see all of your essential minerals, toxic metals, mineral ratios, and metabolic type. This test gives you a great overview of your metabolic, adrenal, hormone, and immune health. It is one of the most affordable tests to begin with!

Comprehensive Stool Analysis (GI Map)

Test for parasites and gut dysbiosis. This is recommended for those who struggle with persistent digestive discomfort like bloating, diarrhea/constipation, distention, as well as attention issues like foggy thinking, poor memory, poor concentration, etc. This is a comprehensive test that will provide invaluable information on your gut health, detoxification, inflammation markers in the GI tract, and more.

How do I know which test to take?

There are various types of tests out there in addition to those mentioned above, with different companies and labs that may provide this service. The best way to understand what test to run is to work with a certified practitioner who can understand your unique health story and make the appropriate recommendations. As Integrative Health Practitioners, we provide recommendations to state-of-the-art Functional Medicine Lab Tests with highly reputable functional lab companies. We evaluate your health history and symptoms and determine which tests would be most beneficial for you.

How can I get started and order my test?

Lab testing is now available and included in my Restore & Rebalance Program! As a client, you will receive the HTMA test with Foundations or HTMA + additional test (provided in pathway #2) to begin your journey in Root Cause Healing. Testing is simple and conveniently done right at home!


  1. Get started in Foundations.

  2. During our initial consult, we'll talk about your testing needs and I order your HTMA test. Additional testing may be suggested depending on your situation.

  3. You receive your test(s) within a week (longer if international)

  4. You complete your test and return it with the provided shipping label (instructions and supplies are provided).

  5. You book your follow up call to review your results with me.

  6. We implement your individualized wellness plan based off results! If you are continuing with a Pathway, you’ll receive ongoing coaching and support to implement your plan as well as make adjustments as needed.


Example graphs on a Thyroid Adrenal Hormone Test.

HTMA sample test

Example HTMA test