The Truth About Dairy-"Is Dairy 'Bad' For You?"


Is it really the dairy or is it your gut?

Dairy sometimes gets a bad 'rep' in the health and wellness world. Typically because most people associate dairy with inflammation which may cause an IgG inflammatory reaction (food sensitivity or intolerance). While it is true to some level, dairy may cause higher inflammation, it's the quality that matters--the quality of product and quality of your gut microbiome.

Here's what the research says...

“Although bovine milk and dairy products are an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and calcium (Ca), a growing number of individuals have adopted a dairy-free diet due to suggested associations between milk and dairy products with coronary diseases (e.g., cardiovascular diseases, hyperlipidemia, etc.) and weight gain (obesity) [1]. Recent studies have shown this association not to be true.”

“Daily consumption of 0.5 L of milk or an equivalent amount of other dairy products supplies a significant amount of various essential nutrients that are required on a daily basis [2]. The decision to follow a dairy-free diet may be driven by potential intolerance to one or more of milks’ components such as lactose [29], which as an example is often driven by assumption rather than confirmation through testing [26]. However, when consumers abstain from dairy products entirely without adequate substitution, their risk of developing nutritional complications and deficiencies such as Ca, vitamin D or long chain n-3 (Omega 3) FA may increase.”


Does this mean I should start consuming dairy??

No, not neccessarily. Consuming dairy should be taken with a bio-individualized approach just like everything else in nutrition. There isn't a one-size fits all.

Since dairy is a protein-rich food, it's important to look at the biological structure of each person's needs. Are you deficient in minerals? Do you have any dairy sensitivity? Do you have any gut related symptoms? Do you have any imbalances in your health that you've been tested for?

These things are important to keep in mind when making any diet changes.

If you've been tested and have worked on sealing and healing your gut wall, and are ready to incorporate some high quality dairy back into your diet, you CAN. And here's how.

Ways to re-introduce dairy back into your life!

Go slow! Reintroducing foods takes time and observation to get it right. Use a food log or journal and really track how you're feeling.


Kefir is an incredible dairy product to incorporate in your diet. It's a fermented drink which you can mix with fruit, honey, add in smoothies, etc. Better if you can get real, natural kefir grains and soak them yourself. It's worth the extra effort. Amazing probiotic for your gut!


Raw, grass-fed butter is undeniably delicious and full of healthy monosaturated fats that our hormones love.


These are great alternatives to ease back into dairy. Goat and sheep products are not as sensitive and digest easier than most typical cow's milk. Cow's milk (if not raw) may contain hormones or antibiotics.

Word of advice:

It's always the quality that matters! These are the key words you want to look for in purchasing dairy.



-pasture raised

-full fat

-non GMO

-hormone free

Anything else is just not worth it. You risk exposing your gut to harmful fillers, sugars, hormones and don't get the bacterial qualities you need for your gut.

High quality products typically have only 1 or 2 ingredients at most. That's how you'll know. ;)