Best Way To Balance Blood Sugar

Blood sugar is often talked about, but why is it so essential that we keep it balanced?

As an Integrative Health Practitioner, one of the main challenges I see in women trying to heal their hormones is blood sugar and insulin level. Many of the common symptoms you may be experiencing, like brain fog, fatigue, acne, weight gain, and difficulty sleeping, may be attributed to blood sugar levels. Why?

Blood sugar is essentially blood glucose we get from eating foods. When we eat, our body converts the food into readily available sugars to create energy. That sugar (glucose) enters our bloodstream and our insulin hormone, created by our pancreas, is supposed to transport that from our bloodstream into our cells and muscles for fuel.

However, if that energy source isn’t used up (say you become sedentary after having a heavy meal), or you have insulin resistance (inability to produce or use insulin), then your blood sugar levels rise because it stays in your bloodstream. On a lab test, you may see this as high HbA1c, which tells you how coated your blood cells are of sugar.

So what causes blood sugar levels to be abnormal?

  • sedentary lifestyle

  • thyroid imbalances

  • high estrogen

  • high cortisol

  • high stress lifestyle

  • low fiber & protein diet

  • diet high in processed foods

  • lack of consistent sleep

  • skipping breakfast

And what’s the best way to rebalance blood sugar levels?


If there’s any tip I can give you about keeping your sugars in check, it’s doing this one thing CONSISTENTLY.

Most individuals are living in a high-stress, rush hour environment that causes high cortisol, leading to higher levels of blood sugar. On top of that, there’s no time to really prepare or even think about creating a solid, balanced meal. Having a biscuit + coffee in the morning is a recipe for disaster.

There is so much more to understanding blood sugar, but if you can create a habit around having a balanced meal every single time, you’re going to be ahead of the curve. It can be as simple as having an apple and grassfed beef sticks for snacking. It doesn’t have to be fancy.

If you want to learn more about blood sugar, hormones, and all things health for women, follow me on IG & TikTok @tinybutmightywellness!

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